Friday, October 19, 2012

It came, but went away just as fast.

The snow. After two weeks of constant raining I was glad to see snow, even though I really do not look forward to the winter. However, as expected it did not stay for long. It is now a repulsive brown slush, and it is raining again...
Anyways apart from the autumn-weather-depression, I am starting to look forward to Halloween that is soon coming up! I am going to a Halloween party, and right now I am having fun trying to figure out what costume to wear. Actually I know one thing, I want white self-glowing lenses! So I will just have to figure out what goes with that haha. ^^ Zombie something something, perhaps...

Don't know if anyone saw this, the guy who threw himself out of a capsule-thingy, from 39 060 meter up... I saw the live, and honestly I can not understand how someone would willingly do that. Even more so, when his family was watching, what if he would die, on his way down...infront of them. Luckily he didn't though! :)
But jeez so crazy!

Today I refurnished my apartment, threw away a lot of things, did my laundry, and organized a lot of other things. It's still a mystery to me from were I got the energy to do that...Haha but I feel good now after a very productive day.
So getting ready for the weekend now, finally! Tomorrow, some friends are coming over in the evening, and on Saturday it's food festival again. :)
Now I will watch one more episode of Big bang theory and then it's lights off. Ending this with a Sheldon quote. ^^

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