Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Feeling(s) Disconnected?

My life has been somewhat of a mentally stressful story lately. Studying is not a walk in the park of course, but lately one of those rougher periods have played out. During this time, I haven't been able to see my friends as much as I would like. Even though I do like to be alone, when it's not my own choice, it can be quite hard.
I guess I came to realize today, that something has been a bit off... I was watching a movie over dinner and, it was one of those which can make you bawl your eyes out...
I never have been the one who cries easily (and especially not infront of others) but I know that one year ago, that movie would definitly have made me cry. This time though, I didn't. But, the feeling you have when you cry was there. Feeling all choked up, having a hard time swallowing, feeling like there's an invicible weight on your chest, but no tears were coming out. It got me thinking when was the last time I cried? And I can't remember. I know my feelings are definitly not disconnected, but somehow my tears are? This is my first time ever, thinking that it would be nice to cry. Cry, feel more at ease, and gain new strength to keep going.

When I'm on this track, I might as well put up this song by Melissa Horn. The first time I heard 'Kungsholmens Hamn' I cried. She wrote the song after a 16 year old boy in Sockholm, was beaten to death. This clip is from the memorial cermony in Olso, held after the tragic bombing on Utoya. A really beautiful song.

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