Monday, February 13, 2012

I can't see any sparks fly from my own glow

I had nothing (?) to write for so long, so I felt uninspired to write anything at all. But by writing now, I hope Nathalie updates soon too ;) poke poke~~
This week I think will be pretty uneventfull, and the reason is my foot, that is not fit for walking right now.  I won't put up a pic cause it doesn't look so good haha, but I can put up a pic of the reason.

All it took was a little push, and one wrong step...and tada! A twisted ankle was the result. (I hope that's all anyways ^_^)

I see cracks in the horizon that no one else notice
How small things seem big close up
There was a time when nothing felt like much more
If this is everything, I think I'll turn around

Yesterday I was high up, now I'm down below
I can't see any sparks from my own flame
I want to feel more, see more than I see. Something will be burned down.
One million in the bank but nothing to live for

No light without darkness, I'm in the middle now
I can see it from above even though I'm under you
A prostituted sunrise where I am gazing
I want to hug and kiss but you want to fuck me


It was a long time since I felt the heart beating
The last time I remember I think I was 13 years old
It was a long time since I felt the heart beating
If there are sparks, it's hardly you that I
It was a long time since I felt the heart beating
The last time I remember I think I was 13 years old
It was a long time since I felt the heart beating
If there are sparks, it's hardly you that I'm turned on by

One million in the bank but nothing to live for (x5)

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1 comment:

Lovisa said...

Vet itne om du ser kommentaren när jag svarar på min blogg så skriver här med :P

Tack kära du <3 Jo det har blivit ganska långt nu, har testat många olika oljeinpackningar och det kanske funkar för dig med? Borde klippa mig snart dock, börjar ha kluvna hårtoppar.
Snart kommer jag upp förresten :D