Sunday, February 19, 2012

Have you ever prayed to a God you don't believe in?

A sentence that makes you understand, just how desperate a situation you must be in, to do that. 

A broken heart, means you're bleeding. But the heart is not really broken, and your'e not really bleeding. The only sign of one's heartache, is the emotions written on your face. And with a poker face, no one sees it. 
What if the heart really broke a little? What if we actually started bleeding? Would it make things better? 

Probably not. 

But if brokenhearted, I think if there was visable evidence, 'the broken' would be better of, and 'the breaker' wouldn't be let off that easily, as I feel some are. 
What's visable, is easier to heal, what is hidden, is easily kept hidden, and easily forgotten by everyone, except the one who hid it. And sometimes what's hidden, is a growing disease that eventually grows too evil and big, to be healed. 

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